

What is STLFLIX?

Here at STLFLIX we create original 3d printable models for our subscribers to print.

How does STLFLIX come up with all these models?

We have a team of 3d model designers who continually design these original models our subscribers love. As we continue to grow we continue to expand our team of designers worldwide to design more and more models for all our subscribers.

Are STLFLIX models made for Filament or Resin printers?

We have models that work on both Resin and Filament printers. Also we provide readme’s to our members helping them to print them to the best quality. On top of this we have a robust community who continually help members with any concerns they may have with their prints or printers.

What are the benefits of subscribing to STLFLIX?

When you sign up to STLFLIX you get access to our entire library at once. Every week we release more models to continually expand our library for all of you.
On top of this we continually work with our strategic partners to provide discounts and specials to all our subscribers on filament, printers and accessories.

Where is STLFLIX based?

Our staff are worldwide with our headquarters based in Brazil.

Can I sell the models I print?

With a commercial licence of course you can! In fact we encourage it, we love sharing our models with not just our subscribers but love seeing you share your prints with others!

@ 2023 STLFLIX

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